It's already crossed your mind to start a business in the United States. The US offers better market conditions, less bureaucracy lower taxes and a higher currency value, all pof which make starting a US business appealing.
The cost of starting a business in the United States varies depending on your industry and business model.
The United States offers many different corporate and tax structures that can be leveraged for the benefit of your particular business . These include:
Sole Proprietorship
General Partnerships (GP)
Limited Partnerships (LP)
Corporations (C or S)
Limited Liability Companies (LLC)
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
In addition to structure and tax, you will need to consider other costs such as:
Will you need to rent a physical location?
Will you need to hire employees?
How long will you need establish yourself in the market and become profitable?
Need help? Contact our office, we can help you to have your own business or expand your company to one of the countries with the strongest consumer market in the world and apply for the possible visas to allow you and your family to immigrate to the US!